logitech g935

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Get in shape and innovate.” -Logitech

Innovate— they definitely have.

Get in shape— they definitely still could.

Those who are into gaming know how crucial a proper audio interface is. I have been a huge fan of first-person-shooters since the early days of Call of Duty and other front-running tactical shooters, and it’s nearly impossible to play without the audio queues programmed into the game that could give you the competitive advantage— or even guide you to your own demise!

Today, I want to share my thoughts on the following categories regarding a headset, found special to me: the Logitech g935.

Having gone through headset after headset, and dozens of earbuds throughout endless hours of gaming and listening to music, I now have quite the portfolio of audio device ownership experience.

As of today, the reigning headset, championing a spot atop my head:

Logitech G935 Wireless 7.1 Surround LIGHTSYNC Gaming Headset

Take it as a god sign that it’s still on my head. I’ve worn it for over three years by now, which is longer than any other headset has latest after taking numerous careless beatings (Alright, the worst is only dropping, but that can still do a number to many other headsets).


Again, it’s one of the longest lasting headsets I’ve used in all my years of gaming, video producing, and audio mixing. With a quite bulky and rigid design, it’s hard to find fault in the device after so many bumps and drops. Logitech did a great job of creating a product that can last years on end.

Even with removable ear-cuff panels (below) to access the internals of the device, it’s hard to find faults, even against the tides of gaming rages and whatnot (Can never rule out the rage a gamer has). Since it is made easily accessible to those said internals, it’s also made to easily come off if it is to be subjected to strong enough forces, resulting in the ear panel flying off. But in the end, even when flown off, it essentially guaranteed that nothing will be broken.

Credit: Latest In Tech

Aside from physical durability, the quality of audio and mic are also not affected in any matter when struck against. If we are to be real, with any headset, after sustaining far too much damage, you can’t guarantee no loss in sound or microphone quality. But with that being said, as far as I know from my three years of (ashamedly) poor treatment, the quality has not deteriorated by any degree.

In summary: it’s an amazingly durable product, and even with easily removable components that run the risk of breaking, you can guarantee it won’t fail on you— both physically and in terms of audio and microphone quality.


While it does maintain a strong stature, this is the topic in which I don’t stand so closely to Logitech with.

Logitech needs to drop the gamer look.

Of course I know that they can’t do that! Gamers across the globe want to sport gamer apparel, and with headsets being one of the only gamer accessories that are worn, it would make sense that Logitech would want to appeal to that gamer audience.

But this is my review! The liberty to critique and define the review by my opinion (with some supported fact) is mine!

So again, I stand by my statement, the this gamer look that they are aiming for is just not as good as they could be doing.

Credit: Dell

The first thing you might notice when looking at the sculpt of the headset is the bulkiness of the headset. When worn on head, it’s very noticeable how massive and quite heavy the headset is, but I’ll discuss the ability to wear later on.

If you are into headsets and other accessories that have RGB capabilities, I suppose this headset would be a great addition to your setup. Through their G HUB application, users of the headset can customize the RGB lights that line the mold of the ear cuffs along its button interface (above to right), as well as the RGB presented on the outer logos (above to left).

While the RGB is not quite my taste, you might guess that the mold of the headset may still be appealing; it could balance out the lack of interest in the aesthetics, right?


Not at all.

The shape of the headset is horrendous. While it feels quite nice, the look of the headset is not appealing in the slightest bit to me. The sculpt just feels unnatural in a sense that it doesn’t present a traditional look of a headset. This could be a step towards forward-progress in the audio devices, but personally, I am not a fan of this take on a more futuristic-gamer look.

Overall, the aesthetics of the headset are mediocre, but it really is subjective to whoever is interested in getting their hands on the headset. Some may be more inclined towards purchasing one, while others might not, strictly because of its looks. In the end, I personally am fine with the looks, though I bashed it quite a lot. As long as the headset audio quality is good, I can just tell myself that I will rarely see how silly I look wearing the headset anyways.

battery life

There’s not entirely much to say about the battery life.

That’s not a bad thing though! It is actually said to contain 8 hours of use with a full charge and with RGB lights on, and up to 12 hours of use with lights off (as per the g935 User Manual).

To my experience, even on the occasion that I game past 8-12 hours in a day (which I definitely don’t do often…) I only have to plug in the headset for one of those many hours to never fully lose power.

So yeah, from what I have experienced, the headset does hold up to standard of 8-12 hours (with the exception of battery wearing down over time).


Now that we’ve covered most of the physical traits of the headset, let’s take a look at how well it actually functions as a product.

As mentioned earlier, the g935 has compartments that open up on its ear cuffs; these open to show one side, the battery, and on the other, a dongle (below).

Credit: SoundGuys

So how does this play into the practicality? On the surface level, this provides great portability for the device. Along with its ability to rotate its cuffs inwards into a flatter formation as depicted (above), this helps its case in which I found it lacking in other areas overall.

As mentioned earlier, Logitech utilizes the G HUB suite for controlling various aspects including far from complex audio mixing, and the controls for RGB. While this service amps up the value of its practicality and versatility when considering how it is merely a headset, it is also quite a hassle to configure the suite to your liking. Logitech did try their best to keep it simple, however, while some of you may be more or less tech-illiterate, it may be hard to navigate without understanding some principles of technology, or even the jargon used to identify certain aspects of the controls.

Nonetheless, it’s still one of the best headsets that I have found to be easy to use. It’s as easy as plug and use, and it’s extremely portable (to an extent as it is still extremely large). While it isn’t necessary to get the G HUB application to use the headset, it definitely helps in optimizing its configuration, but it also is quite a hassle to set up. In the end, its simple to use, but hard to ‘master.’

audio & mic

This might be one of the sought out categories in terms of coming towards your own final verdict on the g935.

To keep it short and sweet: the audio is amazing. The microphone however…

It works.

There’s definitely better mic, headset combos, but in the grand scheme of things, both qualities will suffice. With 7.1 Surround Sound, it’s the perfect headset for all levels of gaming and experiencing all forms of audible media. The bass is actually one of my favorite things about the headset. Again, with 7.1 Surround Sound, and with the G HUB suite, the audio capabilities of the headset are amazing. Just don’t expect an on-par quality microphone… But it still works!

final verdict

Though I have bashed this headset for its looks, and thrown a tad of complaints about the microphone quality, I couldn’t recommend this headset more.

It’s lasted me for such a long time in comparison with other gaming headsets of the same price range and build quality. The battery life for being a wireless headset is amazing and perfect for someone who spends hours on end working (and playing I suppose) at my desk. It’s even great for taking on the go, although it is rather large to carry. As the mic is sufficient, what carries this headset through the roof for me is the sound quality it is capable of producing.

As for my true final verdict: I couldn’t recommend this headset more; as long as you don’t mind the looks, the build and sound quality are well above average for its price range, making it practically one of the best gaming headsets found purchasable.

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